When Wigs Grow Old
Dear Big Hair: I have a dilemma. I started going bald at age eleven. Since age twelve, I've worn a wig. None of my friends know that this isn't my real hair, and unfortunately, last month, the wig manufacturer stopped replicating my particular hairdo and color. My wig is in need of desperate repair due to an incident with a racoon at a swimming pool. What should I do? If I change wigs now, everyone will know--or at the least, they'll think I'm dying my hair, which would be sissy. I don't want to be a sissy. --Sixteen and Desperate
Dear Sixteen and Desperate: Be a man. Suck it up. Most guys go bald eventually, and the fact that you're in high school shouldn't stop you from taking your lumps now. You're a freak. Acknowledge it, live with it, and move on.
For hair advice, write no1bag@gmail.com--or post your question as a comment to the most recent posting.
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