My Week in Hair

Big on hair? Got questions about it? This is the blog for you. Each week, Big Hair answers your hair questions and shares an incident involving his hair, your hair, or the hair of the person next to you.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Rabbit Trouble

Dear Big Hair: My hair looks like lettuce? You know, it's green and rabbits like to eat it. It's awful trouble. What should I do? --Not a Vegetable Hater

Dear Not a Vegetable Hater: Your name suggests to me that you might usefully put your hair to use in a salad. No reason to let the rabbits have what you very well could use for yourself, unless of course you have some pet rabbits, in which case, you can save on rabbit food. A good salad, should you decide to go that route, includes feta cheese, olive oil, vinegar, olives, tomatos, and a little cilantro. You could easily do the oil and vinegar right on your head--and you could probably get the feta to stick--saving yourself the trouble of dishes. But for the true experience, you'll probably need a bowl and a good haircutting before hand. I suggest you cut your head, directly over the bowl.

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